Friday, 9 February 2007

Thursday, 8 February 2007


As your travel plans firm up, please can you add them here. If you are flying in, put the airport and flight time so Elaine knows when to pick you up.


If you are happy to take a chance on whether you sleep inside or out, and don't mind a bit of a queue for the bathroom, then great.

But there are also a few nice B&Bs in the village, so if you would prefer to secure a mattress and shower, add your comment here or email me, and I can tell you what's available.

Surfing and things

We've promised Mike, the surf instructor, we'll let him have reasonably firm numbers by February 16th, so if you know you are coming and you know you are surfing, please can you add a comment or email me. Thanks!

There'll be two bouts of surfing, on Saturday and Sunday morning.

And to get you in the mood...